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The Real Definition of Budgeting (Hint: it isn't Stop Spending)
The Three Pillars of Budgeting
Step-by-Step Tips For Making Your Budget Your Own
Exactly What to do When You Are Done
The Root Budgeting System will teach you how to create your own budget that will be simple to maintain, grow as you grow, and ultimately build the life that you want.
Say goodbye to financial stress, and say hello to financial freedom. It’s treating your finances how they are meant to be treated—personal.
Tim is a personal finance expert and Certified Financial Coach.
His mission is to not only teach you money principles, but to teach you how to mold them to fit who you are and build the life you want.
He doesn’t like like typical money advice—you know, the kind that says you are poor because you spend money on a certain product or don’t give every dollar a job.
Tim tried to fit into a mold by using typical money advice and he had less control of his money and went further into unnecessary debt.
Now, he lives to teach others how to break the mold in their own lives and find true financial freedom.
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