The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Paying Off Your Debt
Debt can be a silent killer when it comes to your hopes of having financial freedom. Paying off your debt can launch you toward your
When was the last time you felt like you were doing something you had to do rather than what you wanted to do? For some of us, that’s getting up to go to a job we hate. For others, it’s cutting back on spending on the things we want. Then, some of us feel like every time we spend we’re doing something wrong.
The last time I checked, Van Gogh didn’t color in the lines to create The Starry Night. Michelangelo didn’t paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel by following another person who outlined everything for him beforehand.
So why should you try and manage your money the exact same way someone else does? Why try and do things the typical way?
See, I don’t believe you have to stop spending money, or that all debt is bad, or that you have to fit into some sort of mold to be financially successful.
It’s all about managing your money in a way that makes sense for you.
You might thrive on making sure every dollar has a job, but I don’t. Your best friend might be really successful using only cash all the time, but that might not work for you. And that’s OK because that’s how it’s supposed to be. We are all unique.
My method of managing money teaches you how to do things your way. And that makes it natural and easy, and most importantly, effective.
Everyone is different and unique—and your budget should reflect that. Manage your money to reflect who you are and it will be easier to maintain, easier to stick with, and will change with you as you grow.
Who you are. Who you want to be. WHERE you want to be. All these things will help mold your finances into being natural to maintain.
Take me, for instance. I am a natural spender. I really like spending money. I like to spend it on myself. I like to spend it on my wife and kids. I like to spend it on other people.
Instead of beating myself up trying to change who I am so I can save more money, I incorporated the enjoyment of spending into reaching my financial goals.
I do that by telling myself that EVERYTHING is spending. Saving is spending on the future. Paying off debt is spending on what I’ve already bought in the past. It makes sense for me and incorporates who I am into how I budget and manage my money. You may be successful using a different principle to reach your goals faster. And that’s how it should be.
Who you are is the most important part of your financial equation, and I show you how to figure that out and incorporate it into how you manage your money.
Who you are. Who you want to be. WHERE you want to be. All these things will help mold your finances into being natural to maintain.
Take me, for instance. I am a natural spender. I really like spending money. I like to spend it on myself. I like to spend it on my wife and kids. I like to spend it on other people.
Instead of beating myself up trying to change who I am so I can save more money, I incorporated the enjoyment of spending into reaching my financial goals.
I do that by telling myself that EVERYTHING is spending. Saving is spending on the future. Paying off debt is spending on what I’ve already bought in the past. It makes sense for me and incorporates who I am into how I budget and manage my money. You may be successful using a different principle to reach your goals faster. And that’s how it should be.
Who you are is the most important part of your financial equation, and I show you how to figure that out and incorporate it into how you manage your money.
Atypical Finance exists to help you find and attain your own version of financial freedom—what I refer to as TRUE financial freedom. My version of financial freedom may not look like yours, and that’s how it should be.
Atypical Finance also doesn’t give the typical money advice. I don’t like to beat around the bush and teach you things that aren’t going to work. I’m not the type of person that says things like “budgeting sucks” and then shows you how to budget by calling it something different. I also don’t like to give out the typical blanket-statement money advice you find all over the internet.
Atypical Finance is about honest financial education. I teach you how to manage your money in a way that will work for you. And in that, there are two core beliefs that I live by.
You deserve to have the life you want. You deserve to have a money management method that is uniquely fit to who you are and where you want to go. Stop settling for typical money advice. You are atypical and unique and your money should reflect that.
Budgeting is the root system of your financial tree. Your budget should be used to supply and inform all other areas of personal finance from saving, to debt payoff, to retirement, and even your career. A budget done the right way helps you get to where you want to go faster and frees you to spend money on what you want. Simply put, if you feel restricted by your budget, you’re doing it wrong.
I’m the Founder & CEO of Atypical Finance, a Certified Financial Coach, and the Author of The Root Budgeting System. I believe that you are the most important part of your finances. That’s why everything I write and create is designed to teach you how to fuse who you are with how you manage your money.
Typical money advice forces you to place your finances into a mold. It’s the kind of money advice that tells you you’re not financially successful because you spend money on a certain product (lattes!) or don’t give every dollar a job. Yuck!
I’ve tried to fit into that mold, and the result was less control of my money, and more unnecessary debt. Now, I live to teach you how to break the mold in your own life and find true financial freedom.
Who you are is the most important part of your financial equation, and I show you how to figure that out and incorporate it into how you manage your money.
Paying off debt can be a challenge, especially when you don’t know where to start.
Check out my ultimate guide on creating your own debt payoff plan. Step-by-step instructions show you exactly what to do.
You are not like anyone else in the world. So why should your budget be just like everyone else’s?
In 5 steps, the Root Budgeting System will teach you how to create your own budget that will be simple to maintain, grow as you grow, and ultimately build the life that you want.
Say goodbye to financial stress, and say hello to financial freedom. It’s treating your finances how they are meant to be treated—personal.
Having a financial coach in your corner is one of the best and quickest ways to exponentially improve your financial life. With only your best in mind, I will help you personalize your budget so you can build your dream life.
I am a Certified Financial Coach who wants only what’s best for you. I am not successful unless you are successful. Schedule a call and we can discuss your best options together.
Need a place to start? These are my top six posts (yes, six because why be typical?), and they’re the posts I recommend for getting started building a budget that is uniquely you.
If you want to dig deeper into the blog, click the button below. There is a ton of great content to help you manage your money in a way that is personalized to who you are and what your goals are.
Debt can be a silent killer when it comes to your hopes of having financial freedom. Paying off your debt can launch you toward your
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I was barely 20 years old when I got engaged to my wife. That was the first time I began to realize that I should probably get this whole personal finance thing down.
I spent the first few years of marriage trying different budgeting methods in the midst of overspending. I tried cutting out the things that the “experts” tells you to cut out like eating out, but that didn’t feel right. I wanted to go out to eat.
I felt bad when I had to use a credit card, because they’re bad, right (wrong…more on that later.)? I kept trying to budget like everyone else was telling me to and the result was overspending and going further into debt. It. Sucked.
Then, I hit it big! My wife and I both got new jobs and doubled our income. Our problems were solved! Or so I thought…
Then, I hit it big! My wife and I both got new jobs and doubled our income. Our problems were solved! Or so I thought…
Make your budget natural and effective by choosing the budgeting principles that work best for you. You’ll learn:
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